When a show arrives for a performance, the first thing that happens is the load in. Local and touring crews bring their gear and equipment through our loading dock to the stage. When an artist arrives, they have access to our wonderful backstage area.


This space offers a wide range of accommodations. Our first floor offers five regular dressing rooms and two star suites. More rooms are also available on the second floor for performances with a big cast.


The star suites have three areas: The main lounge to kick back with guests or just relax and watch TV. Next is the makeup room, for putting on those final touches before they hit the stage. Ruth Eckerd Hall catering services are hallmark to the artist experience.


We feature all in-house dining that could include breakfast, lunch and dinner. The backstage experience for the artist is something we keep in high regard. We strive to keep a consistent, warm and cozy environment. We want it to be a place artists can relax and re-energize a home away from home.


It is show time! The artist takes the stage to deliver the experience you keep coming back to see at Ruth Eckerd Hall. Something special is about to happen.

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